Saturday, May 7, 2011

Twenty-four seven, Three-sixty-five

 She was a tomboy, when I begged my mom for heels she requested work boots.  She was insistent on singing "Happy Together" by the Turtles every minute of the day.  She is grown now.  She stumbled upon a wonderful man at a friends costume party. Years later they married at sunset on the beach under a beautiful shoes, feet in the sand, family and friends all gathered around closely.

I remember  when we were young skipping around playing and singing that song "first comes love....then comes marriage...", over and over (my poor mom).   Here we are decades later and the song's end comes to a new beginning.   My baby sister, aka "pookie" is a now a mother.  It has not been an easy road for her.  There is seldom time for play dates and visits to story time at the library. Instead she has been fiercely trying to find answers to many questions most moms don't really have to think about.  She works tirelessly and so very hard.  As a mother myself, you don't quite see it that way when it comes to your children.    She simply amazes me by her poise and positive attitude in what is ultimately such an unfair situation.

 I have always thought that having my babies first would allow me to teach you some things about being a mom and juggling life.  I have to say it is quite the opposite.  I have learned a great deal in this last year from you.   Your selflessness and giving spirit, this is nothing new.    As a mother it has just been exemplified.

 Happy Mother's Day "Pooks".