Friday, January 7, 2011


  I have never had so many deep-seated, sometimes overwhelming, reflections in my life since my children have been born.  Whenever I was out with my newborns, I would hear over and over, that reoccurring, nails on a chalk board, " Enjoy them when they are little because it goes really fast".  Sometimes I wish someone would have just done this some justice and said, hey lady, here's the deal, you are going to wake up one day with school aged children glancing back at you, waving goodbye as they walk through the school gates on their first day, your heart will be ripped out of your chest and you'll cry like a baby.   It feels as though one minute you are bringing a small, delicate, deliciously smelling, what did I just get myself into baby home from the hospital and the next, your weepy eyed trying to figure out some sort of time machine to just get it back.  It is so powerful that more often than I would like to admit I will be innocently driving in my car and I flash forward in time.   My daughter is telling me she is moving across the country to attend art school and my son has grown to be over 6 feet tall not slathering me with kisses everyday like he does every morning in his pajamas with the feet.  It all seems so unfair.   Naturally time slips away and all things in life move forward whether we like it or not. The one little victory I have to preserve these moments in time is my camera.  I feel like every photo I take of my children is a little gift, something for me to unwrap, a time machine when I need a little reflection. 

 These pictures are from a beautiful summer day spent on the seacoast of New Hampshire.  The light was amazing and the reflections that it created reminded me, as light fades, this too will all be but a memory.  My advice is don't blink, just run and get your camera!!

1 comment:

  1. Through your lens, it reminds me of the beautiful life we live.
